Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Election 2016

With the Presidential election coming up right around the corner, it is more important than ever to make sure that every vote counts! I often hear many people express negative feelings about voting, claiming that one vote does not make a difference, and why bother to take the time to learn the objectives of our Presidential candidates when most states are already heavily swayed towards either democratic or republican views.

Why Vote.

1.    Updhold the Integrity of the Democratic Process instead of allowing special interests to make the decisions for you! If we don’t vote, the election would be entirely controlled by the people specifically recruited by the two candidates- isn’t this what we’re trying to avoid?

2.   Voting is good for your mental health- Being involved in the political realm promotes feelings of oneness with our nation, and can allow an individual to experience feelings of connectedness with others
·      FUN FACT! According to Psychology Today, “studies have demonstrated that the suicide rate actually falls during the US presidential election, no doubt because people feel less alienated at such times, and perhaps also because they feel more hopeful or optimistic and curious as to the outcome of the election.”

3.   It is your right! Remember that many governments around the world don’t allow all their citizens to vote. You have this RIGHT- so go take advantage of it!
·      ALSO- Let’s take a minute to honor the generations of activists and protestors that got us this right to vote- Thanks to the Civil rights movement, and the suffragettes, you CAN vote

4.   These policies do affect your future! Are you planning on going to college and trying to figure out how to afford it? VOTE. Are you struggling with your mental health but you don’t have the right access to treatment? VOTE. Are you worried about our environment but feel like no one is doing anything to change? VOTE. Read Up on each candidates position on policies that matter to you at the bottom of this blog. 

5.   Advocacy - You have a voice- USE IT! This is a time to advocate for yourself, for your community, and for those who can’t advocate for themselves. Do you feel like you’re represented- or people you care about are not being treated fairly? Use your voice and your vote to support those people and advocate for change!

It is NOT just the President on the ballot- you’re voting for local offices too

How to Vote.

Register to Vote Here – This also gives you a way to see if you’re already registered!

Here are the steps to register to vote:
1.   Find the voter registration form, and fill it out!

2.   Proof of Residency: What counts?

3.   Submit the form
                  Find Your Municipal Clerk Here

If you’re not going to be home on Election Day:
you can Absentee Vote!

“Absentee voting or absentee ballot refers to the method by which a qualified voter who is temporarily absent from his/her place of domicile will be permitted to cast his/her vote in the general elections. It is privilege granted to voters. However, it is not an absolute right of the voter. Absentee voting helps to prevent fraud in elections. It also preserves ballot secrecy.”

But before one can vote absentee, they must first be registered to vote! (see above)

After registering you can follow the necessary steps to vote absentee.

In Wisconsin the deadline for absentee votes is Thursday (November 3rd) before the election by 5:00 pm.

Google has a very easy voter how- to for each state. Type in “How to Vote” in the google search bar, select your state, chose ‘in person’ or ‘by mail’

Who to Vote For.

Not sure who to vote for? It can be tricky to decide. Follow these links for more information on the opinions of our candidates.

Whatever candidate you support, please make sure to get out there and vote!

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