Sunday, June 5, 2016

The Power of Music in Recovery

The experience of music is powerful. 

Whether it be between a performer and their audience, the radio playing in the background of a group gathering, friends dancing together, or a group of strangers singing in unison at a concert, music has its way of generating connection amongst people.

Engaging with music in any form is a unique way of processing or coping with conflicting emotions and developing a sense of control or normality. It’s is shown to have an effect on mood, through bringing us to tears, helping us let go of our stress and worry, or pump us up when feeling lonely and sad.

So the question is how can you make music work for you or your recovery? 

You could... 

Learn to play a new instrument,
Join a band,
Teach yourself to read music,
Go to a concert with a friend,
or start listening to upbeat music in the mornings. 

The realm of possibility is endless for you to use music as a positive coping strategy.

Some great FREE resources for finding new music or more playlists are 8tracks, Playlists.netSoundCloud, YouTube, and Pandora. You can also create your own playlists through Spotify8tracks, and iTunes.

Below are some links to playlist suggestions specifically for mental health recovery:

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